Thursday, March 10, 2011


Hey guys! I'm in Paris for the next week so i'm putting my blog on hold! I promise to have amazing pictures and exciting details to share throughout my stay! It's my first time here so I'm excited to see what the city has to offer from the shopping, to the food, to just breathing different air. I just landed after a long but good flight and I'm already wow'd by the way men dress. It's weird, you'd think a girl would be interested in how other women dress but for me I'm a lot more interested in studying how men get creative with clothing and how they put it all together. It's the end of fashion week here which explains why every man i've seen looks as if they've been pulled out of a magazine. So well dressed! I'll keep you updated xox
- Amanda

Also, im hoping that if I happen to be in a McD's that this happens :)